Sandra Zoe Brown, Ph.D.

I met Hanna on a flight to Honolulu and immediately was drawn to her depth of experience, business intuition, social intelligence, and her spark for life. As she explained her coaching experience, I began to see how talented she is in helping individuals create and grow businesses. Since our chance meeting, I’ve referred several business owners to her. The feedback I receive is that she continually assists them in focusing and developing their dreams into profitable, viable businesses. She has a unique ability to tap into core levels of what motivates and blocks a person. This cooperative and meaningful work creates a forward movement. Each person I have referred has a different business and Hanna is able to co-create dynamic models that fit the person and their location. I’ve also had my own Hanna experience. After 36 years of working as a psychologist in private practice, the time had come for me to have a website. I was resistant and hesitant and Hanna offered to assist me. She lead me through the path of self examination, discovery, writing, editing, and overall vision. She was consistent in gently, directly moving me forward. I depended on her honesty, clarity, and experience, and I now have a website that accurately reflects my practice, philosophy, and business practices. Hanna has a way of creating an accountability to both self and her that works! I am grateful for the many talents and multi-varied abilities of Hanna Roth.
Los Angeles, CA
J. Dzus

Whether you want to improve your small business or jumpstart a career, Hanna will help you fulfill your goals. She helped me grow my small business and she also worked with me to build a government career when the opportunity arose. Hanna will push you forward and you’ll be surprised at your progress, but despite the pushing, working with her is easy. You set out your goals with her and with her support and guidance, you work towards them until you’ve achieved them. Without her help, I would not be in the great position I’m in today.
Brian Shannon
Tollin did a fantastic job building my website. He listened to my vision and took that into consideration throughout the process. The final product honestly exceeded my expectations and I could not be happier. I would recommend his services to anyone looking for a high quality website at a reasonable price!
Michelle Niemiec

Working with Hanna has been an amazing experience. She is very honest, patient and supportive. She is determined to get the job done and so am I! Hanna has made me aware of things that I had never realized. I look forward to continuing to work with her and I am thankful for the gift that she has given me by putting my business and personal life on a new road to success.
LaGrange, NY
Lyndsi Jones

My work with Hanna has been spent building me into a stronger, more persistent and resilient business woman. Hanna has become the voice in my head pushing me and encouraging me to do better and be better. I would not be where I am in my business without her. She pushes you out of your comfort zone while still being your biggest cheerleader/supporter. I am grateful for the work we have done together and would refer her to anyone looking to better themselves in their business and life.
Southern CA
Aaron Wilbers

I have used Hanna’s service as a Business Coach for a variety of goals. She helped me reveal road blocks that were interfering with personal and professional goals. I highly recommend her for anyone who has a personal or professional goal to achieve. She has provided ongoing support and valuable insight.
Brad Paul

I was introduced to Hanna Roth at a time in my life when things were bleak; a marriage that was all but over and a career that was in limbo. There seemed to be no hope or vision of improvement. Over the 5 years of working with Hanna, changes occurred that I never believed possible. Her coaching completely changed my life. I’m living my dream. My marriage has completely turned around, my children are excelling and thriving, and I have the best job of my life with outstanding possibilities for advancement, working in the part of the country I had wanted to move to for years. These results are based on hard work. If you want outstanding improvements in your life, your job, and yourself, you need to work with Hanna. However, be ready to work and to be honest with yourself and with her. She accepts nothing less and neither should you. You can’t have a person more committed to your results. I guarantee the results will astound you.
Beaverton, OR
Brian Shannon
Aaron was a pleasure to work with. The process was simple and expedient. He communicated well throughout, and ultimately provided me with a business logo I absolutely love. I’ve already been back to him for additional work. I would highly recommend his services!
Cheryl Deininger

Hanna Roth is a powerful catalyst for change and results! If you are ready to dig deep and follow her lead and guidance, you will be amazed at what transpires. In the course of one year, my life went through subtle and dramatic transformations. Initially I began my work with Hanna thinking she would assist me in successfully navigating a career change and starting my own business. Her impact stretched far beyond my career. Very early in our work together she raised my awareness to nagging issues in some of the important relationships in my life. Hanna has an amazing ability to ask questions that “stir the pot”, uncovering unconscious agreements and patterns that undermine even our best intentions. The process is often arduous and challenging, but Hanna is an ever present beacon lighting the way through the dark moments. It takes guts and courage to look within to answer the questions she poses, but the rewards are tremendous for those willing to commit to the process. My business is flourishing. My relationship with my sister shifted from patronizing and competitive to full of acceptance and compassion. One short year ago I was hanging onto a disappointing romantic relationship full of commitment conflict. Now, I am with a wonderful gentleman and enjoying the relationship of my dreams!
Monroe, WI
Leora Weitzman

When I started working with Hanna 12 years ago, I had no business or marketing experience. I’d fled academia in disgust at how success depended on self-promotion, only to find myself starting a business that required self-promotion. With Hanna’s coaching, I built an engaging, effective marketing strategy and I love doing it! I learned new and essential skills for reaching potential clients, following up, and tracking numbers. Subtler but just as crucial was learning how the state of my business reflects my inner state, and how to take responsibility when things aren’t going as I want them to. Before Hanna, I didn’t know the questions to ask, nor did I have the heart to face them honestly. Hanna is an incomparable guide through this daunting thicket into the empowerment and progress on the other side. As a result, I make a living doing what I love, enjoying the freedom of self-employment in a field where many quit in the first few years, many others make low wages in exploitative work settings, and still others launch businesses only to fail. Year after year, my client base and income have grown, and with them my confidence and sense of security. I can’t imagine getting here without Hanna’s coaching
Madison, WI
Melanie Neumaier

When I started working with Hanna Roth, I wasn’t treating my business as a business. I wasn’t tracking numbers, running promotions, doing marketing, or focusing on building. I was going through the motions and keeping my fingers crossed that I’d make it. I had no direction, I felt overwhelmed, and I didn’t know where to start. Working with Hanna, I learned to do monthly marketing, track growth, run monthly promotions, build business structures, and start doing continuing education again. I moved into a new studio and I’m on track to make $30,000 more this year than when I started working with her 3 years ago! The accountability was huge for me. I had nowhere to hide and when I craved my comfort zone, Hanna knew how to coax me out of it! I have grown in my business and as a businesswoman, but I’ve also grown so much as a person. I even hired her to work with my child to get her on track and build her career, and today, I have a very happy, successful child working in the industry of her dreams. We wouldn’t be where we are today if I hadn’t hired Hanna.
Madison, WI
Dr. Laura Connor

Hanna Roth has been my business coach for the past 10 years. She has been instrumental to my success as a business owner. She oversees almost every aspect of my business growth – which invariably has always paralleled my personal growth. In addition, she helps me identify, and walks me through, personal breakthroughs that are necessary to grow and my business. These breakthroughs have set me free in every way, allowing me to seamlessly enjoy my life and create abundance for myself and my family. I have been privileged to work with and learn from this incredible woman for 10 years and I would not be where I am today without her coaching.
Crandon, WI
Sarah Covarrubias

I have worked with Hanna a few times over the past 20 years. First, I hired her to help me get my life in order. Years later, I hired her to make a major international move. Now, I’m working with her to write the next chapter of my life. When we began, I was just finishing an ugly divorce. I had 5 daughters and I was pregnant with #6 and running in every direction but the right one. Hanna helped make my personal life, business, and finances manageable and we worked hard to put things (me) in order. My business blossomed and became predictable, my debts were slowly paid off, and I became drama-free in my personal life. This took time. 40 years of bad habits and management don’t change overnight. Even now, 22 years later, I implement the basics that she taught me. In 2008, when the real estate market plummeted, and I felt I needed a break from the expense of living in SoCal, I decided to move to Mexico with my daughters. Without Hanna, that would not have happened. We focused on creating a source of income in Mexico and she helped me to dream up the kind of life I wanted. Within a year, I was in Mexico, living my best life ever. I owe that incredible experience to Hanna. Now 8 years later, I’m an “empty nester”. My children are all grown and out of the house, I’m figuring out what I want to do with the rest of my life, and we’re back to the basics—finances, business, and personal goals. Hanna is always the person who pushes me forward, believes in me, lets me dream, and tells me “the sky is the limit!” I just bought a new home, took two fun trips, and re-focused on me – all in the last 4 months with Hanna by my side. She is my best cheerleader and truly a very dear friend!
Southern CA
Hon. DeAnn Salcido

Hanna Roth is a strategic visionary. After my first session with her, I left our meeting with confidence, clarity of the purpose of my business, and a marketing plan that was not only going to help my business get to the next level, but it was key to Hanna that I identify how I was going to help my clients. She combines integrity with business planning, and it’s brilliant, it’s ethical, and I cannot recommend her enough.
San Diego, CA
Cindy Ditter

Hanna Roth is an extremely effective Business Coach who produces results. I hired her as a career coach and the coaching spilled over into all aspects of my life as I quickly learned how overlapping they were. What I appreciated the most about her work was her honesty, direct approach, and quickness to guide me to see and understand what was holding me back professionally and personally. She was persistent and relentless, no matter how deep or challenging the work was, to break through barriers. She was willing to delve into any area where I was struggling. We worked on business, family, kids, and marriage. My business doubled by forging into unknown territory and I now understand what happiness is, and this drives my business and family life. My husband and I learned to communicate in a safe way free of judgment, allowing for direct communication that opened up a level of freedom and love I had not experienced after 25 years of marriage. To this day, 10 years later, I apply this communication daily in my career, with my children, my family, and friends. There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t use the training she provided. Investing in her service was the best decision I ever made to move forward in life.
Monroe, WI
Patrick Schroeder

As a young man, I was obsessed with excellence at work. More often than not, I fell short. My circumstances didn’t help. I was a white, midwestern 18 year old trying to learn the craft of sushi-making from a taciturn, exacting Japanese chef. To work in his kitchen, one had to unequivocally prove one’s mastery. This was difficult to do when we didn’t have his requisite level of trust to be given the tasks. I was at an impasse in my growth and learning because I could not fathom how to earn his trust without performing the tasks until I perfected them. Hanna offered to coach me and I was incredulous at first. I questioned her ability to coach me through the process of learning how to, say, clean and fillet a king salmon to my chef’s standards, using his traditional tools and techniques, but she was undaunted by the content of my tribulations. Her coaching centered around not what I was doing, but who I was being while I was doing it. She had me take small steps and make achievable milestones that she extracted from me through intent listening and a clear commitment to my success. In less than a year working with her, I was performing all of the tasks of a sushi chef, I heard real praise from my chef and he made me a huge offer, hiring me to open his next restaurant, which went on to do well over $2 million in sales in its first year. Then, he hired me as the general manager. Through it all, Hanna was my coach and guide. I still employ her approach to growth and learning today, albeit no longer to cut fish. Now it supports me as I work in leadership at one of the country’s largest and most successful grocery cooperatives. I credit Hanna and her approach for my facility with tackling complex problems as well as coaching and mentoring others.
Madison, WI